Im running for president in 2024

Kenneth Kelly
6 min readFeb 6, 2022

Hello, all I am running for president in 2024. (American Party Representative)

The reason I am running is I feel all the people running are incompetent and will cause more problems than good. My background is simple 14 years in war and being able to predict the whole situation we’re in right now back in 2005 (including COVID)

My Scope

I want to bring the UNITED STATES to the forefront of world peace. I will do this by doing the following things

Setting term limits on congress- As you can see, politicians in Washington have made a mess of our country and the world for a long time (since Kennedy was assassinated). I want to end 20, 30, 40 year runs in congress where the individual fattens their pockets and creates more chaos than good.

Ending the opioid epidemic — I will legalize drugs across the board and regulate them through a new department of the FDA. What does this mean I will control drug use ending the drug war in America through the Government controlled system operated by the commercial market. This will increase govt tax revenue and relieve the police from the duties of the current drug war. The DEA will revamp to become the acting inspectors of drugs brought in throughout the world, ending drug cartel violence and restoring peace in those nations. Through a controlled and regulated system, we will get rid of laced drugs bringing our number of opioid deaths down and with increased tax revenue focus on mental health which self-medicating is the catalyst for drug abuse.

COVID — I’m going to push Big pharma to produce cures, not masking efforts. The Virus itself is unsustainable. I will work with China and Russia to get this done as I know they understand the efforts that pushed this virus into existence. States will be in control of their COVID policies individually till we find a cure, and the federal government will help the states enforce their policies. Once a cure is found, It will be optional to follow that procedure as America is a free country. I will also open up the floor to debate amongst the scientific community instead of silencing certain individuals as to means to come to a clear understanding of all available options and provide these options to the states without attacking personal character allowing freedom of speech and innovation to continue to move in a better direction for all people of this world.

Climate Change — We are going through a polar shift which is causing climate change. I will establish a group of scientists as a think tank on how to operate efficiently and effectively in a constantly changing environment. I would like to bring in world leaders to work together to come up with a plan for disaster relief and a better prediction model for FOOD TRANSPORTATION AND LIVING. What I mean by that is I want us to be able to predict better where we will be impacted and make adjustments as we move forward. To better Understand polar shifts, watch the movie land before time.

Crime and Policing — I have three process systems to this issue as I was a military police officer for 14 years

  • Police — Establish a Federal Standard operating procedure for training and tactics that must be met. The idea is to create police with more tools for de-escalation of situations and establish Community policing guidelines increase mental health use instead of prison for profits and rebuild the police reputation in all communities
  • Corrections — I want to reform the corrections system so that we see less recidivism of repeat offenders. I want to focus on reforming offenders vs. punishment and compliance. Through this process, we will make prisons and jails safer for all parties involved. an example of what I am looking at is the European prison system, particularly in the Netherlands. Through this, I will evolve our current facilities to a few hard case facilities for continued criminal actors and revamp the rest to reform stations where individuals will focus on mental health, Self-improvement and education.
  • Open the door policy for counseling at a younger age for individuals who Identify in the following areas pedophilia, anger issues, serial killers etc. the idea is to understand that these traits are part of life, and that people can live in peace having these traits and identify themselves for help adapting to living a great life despite these traits. I want to encourage young people to come forward before the problems start by understanding that these traits are expected but will result in punishment if acted upon.

Inflation — I am not the subject matter expert on this matter. I would establish a panel of experts to find a process to bring down inflation and reset the price to a more affordable amount and implement said panel's findings and procedures to get America back on track with a sustainable economy.

National Debt — I will not spend over our budget. I will bring more revenue streams through taxes instead of raising taxes and inspire innovation to the system to get our debt under control. My goal is to get a system in place to pay off our debt and better regulate how the government spends there money. Again I am not a subject matter expert and will build a panel of subject matter experts to accomplish these goals in a timely manner.

Foriegn Policy — I wanna work with Russia and China to descalate world expansion. First and formost, I will build a Partnership with both China and Russia So that our troops and allies will not be put in harm’s way. I will do this by being strong on a no tolerance for war strategy. This being said, I can currently beat Russia and China in WW3 very easily as when it comes to war, I play to win. I do not wanna fight tho. I want to establish a panel with Russia and China to build our relationship and work on world peace. this will be better suited by legalizing drugs so that I can build up old and new allies in the western hemisphere, and the middle east, and Africa. I will be transparent in all my decisions with the American people and the world. I'm bringing the troops home to rebuild and retrain for modern full spectrum combat operations with the agenda to focus on world peace and preparation for other agendas such as space travel. I want to show the world America has the answer to peace and that we are open to their help as well as building strong alliances with new countries to help them find peace and sustainability.

Computer Science — Work with the tech industry to better defend our national and foreign entrusts even if that means creating a new internet

Education — Our children are our future. I want free innovative minds, so we’re going to revamp the education system. first and foremost, I am going to get poor communities the resources to get on par with the rest of the education system. I also want to make our educators who work as teachers tax-exempt from increasing their wages as their job is very important.

Health Care — Every American is entitled to health care. I am not providing free health care but affordable health care. I will use military and civilian medicine to do this as I want to increase military understanding of medical procedures and innovation by partnering with the civilian education system in those fields. The Idea is the military is better at trauma, whereas civilian is better at health-related issues and get both up to the same standard. I am introducing of regulation lowering costs provided by big pharma and medical tech for masking procedures and rewarding complete reversal of illnesses such as cancer.

Domestic policy — Rebuild our infrastructure, Roads, rails and airports. To do this, I am going to use part of the defense budget and contract the military Corp of engineers to partner with civilian counterparts to help rebuild and alleviate costs as well as find better solutions to our current infrastructure.

Military policy — I am going to get our military-experienced by having them work alongside our civilian counterparts to increase recruitment and experience. I want a strong military as a form of deterrent as well as a smart military.

So far, these are my plans. Feel Free to email me at [email redacted] with any questions or complaints. I like both. Also, politicians feel free to use or expand on my policies or ask questions if you want answers

